Buy A Webkinz Animal Because:
A. They are adorable and many kids, teens and adults have one. Come on in and join the club. Adopt a webkinz.
B. A webkinz will teach your child good values and compassion. And this will all come from caring for a webkinz.
C. Your child will learn money management, how to save money, how to spend it and how to budget money too with your help.
D. The educational quizzes over at webkinz world will keep your child sharp.
E. Your child will learn all about social interaction and etiquette on the net. The internet is going into a new phase with many social networking sites popping up everywhere. And many are popping up for children. Many of these sites are user friendly, safe and very secured. You have webkinz, club penguin, and barbie just to name a few. Pure enjoyment.